Clinical and procedural education is very important in the medical field and a key to success. Many organizations support educating their staff using various methods; from face-to-face sessions to computerized-based training modules (CBTs). The latest and most accessible education is now being offered through mobile applications.

In 2013, the UK team saw a need to begin a joint venture with PAJUNK® and the University of Birmingham to create a teaching app for Regional Anesthesiologists. The app, which aids in the instruction of single shot and continuous nerve blocks throughout the upper and lower body, is called Block GuRU: Guidance for Regional Anesthesia using Ultrasound.

Let’s explore how the App works

The Block GuRU App is a unique system and available for everyone to download on iOS and Android devices. Once the app is installed on the user’s smartphone or tablet, they will be offered various block options. After selecting one, the app shows different videos in order to give the best possible visual understanding of that block. A 3D model, a real time video of the ultrasound probe and the needle from the outside, as well as ultrasound scans, are combined with an audible step-by-step commentary. What makes the Block GuRU App so unique compared to other teaching methods is the fact that the user gets a detailed simultaneous visualisation of these three video options and angles. Moreover, a tab system gives access to three additional options: anatomy, procedures and tips. Here, the app helps with instructions about the localisation and the entire nerve blocking procedure along with useful tips and advice. This way, the user gets informed about possible risks that can occur, as well as about the choice of local anesthetics, which contains an overview about the drugs, the dose, the duration and the onset time. The special part of this invention is that it can be used by experienced, but also by novice regional anesthesiologists. Through this, the app is not only usable to stay up-to-date with the latest techniques, but also an ideal learning and training tool for all practitioners. Thanks to the easy structure and the detailed content of the Block GuRU App, it guarantees a further increase in safety for the patient and the user which is one of the most important aims of Pajunk.

Here are some advantages of the Block GuRU App

  • Full length demonstrations of a wide selection of nerve blocks
  • Simultaneous visualisation of 3D models, real time videos and ultrasound scans
  • Clear narration during the procedure
  • Many useful tips and advice
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest techniques


​​​​​In order to add more blocks to this app and to further increase the benefits for the users, the Block GuRU team continuously works on new updates. Paulina Thomas, Senior Marketing Manager at Pajunk Medical Systems explains: “The GuRU team is very passionate about Regional Anesthesia and it shows. Their creativity to bring complex blocks to a visually clean and easy-to-understand mobile application is impressive.”

Other ways the Block GuRU Team and Pajunk make learning fun

For further support, Pajunk offers GuRU Posters for a wide selection of nerve blocks. Similar to the app, the user gets a detailed guidance on localization, real pictures of applications, ultrasound scans and general tips and advice. There are three different versions available: A set of four posters for plexus anesthesia, a set of two trauma posters for the emergency room and a poster for the E-Catheter CON system. The posters should be utilized as an additional info source during conversions and put on the walls in the facilities to ensure the notice of important instructions in every situation. If you want to use the posters for your activities, they can be downloaded as PDFs or ordered as a print version.

To increase the recognition of the Block GuRU App from regional anesthesiologists worldwide, the Block GuRU Team invented a GuRU needle challenge during various congresses that Pajunk was a part of. The challenges always attract many participants as well as a good crowd. The GuRU needle challenge works as follows: Pajunk prepares its booth with an Ultrasound Machine and a Blue Phantom; the phantom is equipped with a Vascular Access Needle (VAN) inside which simulates the nerve. The aim for each participant of the challenge is to guide a Pajunk SonoPlex® needle with a syringe filled with Saline to the tip of the VAN and once reached the target, to inject the fluid. As soon as the Saline could be observed outside of the VAN, the clock is stopped. The winner is the one with the fastest attempt. Jürgen Hintz, Area Sales Manager for Europe, Israel and Australia, who experienced one of the challenges last year said: “I still remember a lot of people trying to get the fastest time. It was great for us to award a new iPad to the winner in Bilbao during ESRA 2019”.

"For more information about the GuRU App

or to get free printed posters, please contact us."