WirtschaftsWoche bestows award: PAJUNK® is one of the 450 GLOBAL MARKET LEADER Champions 2024

Global Market Leader 2024 - We have been awarded!

We are delighted with the award and extend our thanks to WirtschaftsWoche and the authors of the Global Market Leader Index - Dr. Walter Döring and Prof. Christoph Müller - for this amazing accolade.

What is the Global Market Leader Index?

Real or alleged global market leaders are fascinating companies and research objects. They tend to be successful global players, with cutting-edge technology and under family management. Although there are some surveys and databases on these companies, they fall short in two areas: The selection criteria are not always clear and public access to the full lists is restricted. By contrast, the new Global Market Leader Index opts for an objective and transparent selection process for real global market leaders. The selection criteria and values ascertained are published and the entire index can be publicly assessed.

In addition to the selection criteria, further information about global market leaders is collected. This information is scientifically evaluated and is available to the general public and economic policymakers in condensed form. Academics interested in this area are offered access via their universities and departments. Data pertaining to the individual criteria is obtained from sources in the public domain. Companies are notified about their entry in the index. They are asked to check the data and to provide further information within a set period. The index is regarded as an ongoing project which means that new, hitherto undiscovered companies may be included by request and subject to review at any time. In addition, new companies are continuously researched and established companies reviewed as to whether they still fulfill the criteria. The basis is a database currently numbering some 1,300 entries of potential global market leaders.

Who are authors of the new Global Market Leader Index?

The scientific leadership of the project is in the hands of Prof. Christoph Müller, Executive Partner of UEC gemeinnützige GmbH. He is also co-director of the HBM Entrepreneur School, which is part of the Executive School of Management, Technology & Law at the University of St.Gallen. In the field of further education, it offers the diploma program "Management of growth in technology companies'' (TU-HSG).

As cooperation partner, the Academy of German World Market Leaders (Schwäbisch Hall) of the former Baden-Württemberg Minister of Economics, Dr. Walter Döring is actively involved in the compilation of the Global Market Leader Index. Every January, the Academy holds the Congress of German Global Market Leaders, the summit of world market leaders in Schwäbisch Hall.

The criteria for the selection of global market leaders are:

  • (Owner) management with headquarters of at least 50% in the DACH region
  • World market: Activities on at least 3 out of 6 continents with own production and/or sales companies or export activities
  • Annual turnover in millions of euros: at least €50 million
  • Market leader: No. 1 or No. 2 in the relevant world market segment
  • Export share/foreign share of sales: at least 50% of sales


Who funds the new Global Market Leader Index?

The Global Market Leader Index is financed by companies and non-profit initiatives. Inclusion in the Global Market Leader Index incurs no direct costs for companies. The following companies provide financial support for the compilation of the Global Market Leader Index: WÜRTH GROUP, TII Group, Rödl&Partner, UEC gGmbH.

Additional information and contact:Weltmarktführer-Index (weltmarktfuehrerindex.de).

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