PAJUNK® Participates in the VS-Schwenningen Company Run

In keeping with the motto “Together Things Run Better”, the largest and most athletic work meetings in the region kicked off on May 3rd, 2018.

At the company run premiere in Villingen-Schwenningen (Germany), Pajunk joined the race with a total of 35 participants from different departments and age groups to conquer the five-kilometer-long course as a team. Equipped with uniform running shirts and under optimal weather conditions, all participants mastered the path along the exhibition grounds, where afterwards a big, exuberant after-run party took place. “Team spirit through team sports” was the Pajunk motto: The joint activity among colleagues supported not only each individual’s own health and wellness, but also encouraged team spirit and a feeling as part of the company.

Keeping time was purposefully foregone, as the focus was on the fun in the movement and the mutual path to the finish line – it didn’t matter if participants jogged, strolled, or walked. Altogether 2,040 runners took part in the sporting event in Villingen-Schwenningen, where there was so much positive resonance that another run has been planned for May 9th, 2019.

We at Pajunk look forward to also participating once again. At the second edition, the event organizers are expecting between 3,000 and 3,500 runners. The company’s dedication to social engagement will continue under the slogan “Laufend Gutes tun!” (Doing good while running). For each runner, the event organizer will donate 1 Euro to a social project in the region. In 2018, a proud 2,040 Euros were raised.

"For more information

about the Villingen-Schwenningen company run:"

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