Reusable Instrument Inserts

Ergo Instruments

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Ergo Instruments

Reusable Instrument Inserts

Ergo Instruments are the ideal choice for anyone who wishes to reuse inserts over and over again. PAJUNK offers a variety of different versions on instrument inserts, including scissors, grasping forceps and clips in 3mm, 5mm and 10mm, which can be seen below.

Ø 10 mm Overview

Ø 5 mm Overview

Ø 3 mm Overview

Features: Two-stage locking system

Anchoring a Reusable Instrument Insert
Ø 5 mm, Ø 10 mm
  • Ancoring the inserts in the shaft via snap-action mechanism
  • The notch in the insert and the corresponding counter piece at the shaft guarantees a torsion-resistant connection
Screw Connection of Shaft and Handle
  • Centering aid at the inclusion of the handle for a secure anchoring and an automatic centering

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Ergo Instruments Ordering Info

ErgoClamps Ø 10mm
Item description BABCOCK clamp, double-action, 330mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-83-10
Purchase Unit 1
Item description BABCOCK clamp, double-action, 450mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-84-10
Purchase Unit 1
Item description COLLIN clamp, double-action, 330mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-83-15
Purchase Unit 1
Item description COLLIN clamp, double-action, 450mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-84-15
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Clamp with DeBAKEY teeth 2 x 3, jaw 40mm, double-action, 330mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-83-41
Purchase Unit 1
ErgoForceps Ø 10mm
Item description MARYLAND grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-64-20
Purchase Unit 1
Item description MIXTER dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-63-21
Purchase Unit 1
Item description MIXTER dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-64-21
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Claw grasping forceps, 2 x 3 teeth, single-action, 330mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-63-30
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Claw grasping forceps, 2 x 3 teeth, single-action, 450mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-64-30
Purchase Unit 1
Item description BABCOCK grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-63-31
Purchase Unit 1
Item description BABCOCK grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-64-31
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy spoon forceps, single-action, 330mm / Ø 10mm
Item no. 1292-73-15
Purchase Unit 1
ErgoScissors Ø 5mm
Item description Hook-type scissors, straight, single-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-93-10
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissecting scissors, straight, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-93-13
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissecting scissors, curved, METZENBAUM, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-93-14
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissecting scissors, curved, METZENBAUM, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-94-14
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissecting scissors, curved, METZENBAUM, with fine teeth, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-94-15
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Peritoneal scissors, straight, single-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-93-18
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Peritoneal scissors, straight, single-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-94-18
Purchase Unit 1
ErgoForceps Ø 5mm
Item description Grasping forceps, 2 x 1 teeth, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-09
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Grasping forceps, 2 x 1 teeth, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-09
Purchase Unit 1
Item description OVIDUCT grasping forceps, smooth, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-10
Purchase Unit 1
Item description DOLPHIN dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-11
Purchase Unit 1
Item description DOLPHIN dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-11
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Grasping forceps with reservoir, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-13
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Grasping forceps with reservoir, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-13
Purchase Unit 1
Item description OVIDUCT grasping forceps, smooth, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-10
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Grasping forceps, pointed, with reservoir, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-14
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Grasping forceps, pointed, with reservoir, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-14
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, pointed, cross-cut serration, 18mm, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-15
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, pointed, cross-cut serration, 18mm, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-15
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Mouse tooth grasping forceps with 2 x 4 teeth, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-16
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Mouse tooth grasping forceps with 2 x 4 teeth, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-16
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Alligator grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-17
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Alligator grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-17
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-18
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-18
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissection- and grasping forceps, fenestrated, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-19
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissection- and grasping forceps, fenestrated, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-19
Purchase Unit 1
Item description MARYLAND dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-20
Purchase Unit 1
Item description MARYLAND dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-20
Purchase Unit 1
Item description MIXTER dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-21
Purchase Unit 1
Item description MIXTER dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-21
Purchase Unit 1
Item description ALLIS grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-22
Purchase Unit 1
Item description ALLIS grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-22
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Grasping forceps with fine cross toothing, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-23
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Grasping forceps with fine cross toothing, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-23
Purchase Unit 1
Item description BABCOCK grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-26
Purchase Unit 1
Item description BABCOCK grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-26
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, fenestrated, single-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-27
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, fenestrated, single-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-27
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, cross-toothed, single-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-28
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, cross-toothed, single-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-28
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, multiple fine-toothed, single-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-29
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, multiple fine-toothed, single-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-29
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Claw grasping forceps, 2 x 3 teeth, single-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-30
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Claw grasping forceps, 2 x 3 teeth, single-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-30
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Grasping forceps MAXI GRIP, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-31
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Grasping forceps MAXI GRIP, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-31
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic claw grasper with wavy teeth, single-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-32
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic claw grasper with wavy teeth, single-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-32
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic claw grasper with wavy teeth, reservoir, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-33
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic claw grasper with wavy teeth, reservoir, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-33
Purchase Unit 1
Item description DeBAKEY clamp, jaw length 30mm, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-36
Purchase Unit 1
Item description DeBAKEY clamp, jaw length 30mm, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-36
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, fenestrated, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-37
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, fenestrated, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-37
Purchase Unit 1
Item description DORSEY grasping forceps, with large window, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-38
Purchase Unit 1
Item description DORSEY grasping forceps, with large window, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-38
Purchase Unit 1
Item description ENDOCLINCH atraumatic wavy grasping forceps, fenestrated, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-39
Purchase Unit 1
Item description ENDOCLINCH atraumatic wavy grasping forceps, fenestrated, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-39
Purchase Unit 1
Item description KELLY grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-42
Purchase Unit 1
Item description KELLY grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-42
Purchase Unit 1
Item description AGGRESSIV claw grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-43
Purchase Unit 1
Item description AGGRESSIV claw grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-43
Purchase Unit 1
Item description RETRACTION wavy grasping forceps, single-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-44
Purchase Unit 1
Item description RETRACTION wavy grasping forceps, single-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-44
Purchase Unit 1
Item description DELPHIN LONG Dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-46
Purchase Unit 1
Item description DELPHIN LONG Dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-54-46
Purchase Unit 1
Item description MAXI GRIP XL grasping forceps, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-53-48
Purchase Unit 1
Biopsy Punchs & Spoons
Item description Biopsy punch, single-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-73-10
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy punch, single-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-74-10
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy spoon forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-73-13
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy spoon forceps, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-74-13
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy spoon forceps with thorn, double-action, 330mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-73-14
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy spoon forceps with thorn, double-action, 450mm / Ø 5mm
Item no. 1292-74-14
Purchase Unit 1
ErgoTop - Ø 3mm
Item description DOLPHIN dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-10
Purchase Unit 1
Item description DOLPHIN dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-10
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, pointed, cross-toothed, double-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-13
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, pointed, cross-toothed, double-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-13
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Universal grasping forceps, double-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-14
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Universal grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-14
Purchase Unit 1
Item description MARYLAND dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-15
Purchase Unit 1
Item description MARYLAND dissection- and grasping forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-15
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Claw grasping forceps, 2 x 3 teeth, single-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-16
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Claw grasping forceps, 2 x 3 teeth, single-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-16
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissecting scissors, straight, double-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-17
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissecting scissors, straight, double-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-17
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissecting scissors, curved, METZENBAUM, double-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-18
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Dissecting scissors, curved, METZENBAUM, double-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-18
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Hook-type scissors, straight, single-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-20
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Hook-type scissors, straight, single-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-20
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Micro scissors, straight, single-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-21
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Micro scissors, straight, single-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-21
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy spoon forceps, double-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-22
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy spoon forceps, double-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-22
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy spoon forceps with thorn, double-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-23
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Biopsy spoon forceps with thorn, double-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-23
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, fenestrated, double-action, 250mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-42-24
Purchase Unit 1
Item description Atraumatic grasping forceps, fenestrated, double-action, 330mm / Ø 3mm
Item no. 1292-43-24
Purchase Unit 1


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