The Power of Diverse Thinking

More Perspectives. More Possibilities.

Why do diversity and inclusion in medicine matter? It is quite incomprehensible why this question should arise. For us, diversity is inherent and part of our corporate culture. As a global company, we do not intend to set standards that judge people based on their origin or gender. Over the course of our existence, we have learnt that it's individual people that matter, not affiliations.

We are aware that progressive thinking, especially in the context of diversity, requires constant evaluation and interest. We are therefore very keen to promote inclusion and diversity. Our active engagement is dedicated to removing barriers in RA education and providing space for minorities and the disadvantaged. It is important to us to share these values and mindset in all our partnerships.

Human diversity cannot be superficially categorized. Each person is unique and carries distinctive knowledge that is constantly growing through individual associations and processing. Utilising this knowledge is important for progress and the quality of future innovation. If people are excluded from progress due to irrelevant factors, we as a society are closing ourselves off from vast amounts of knowledge and expertise. It is important to us to support people individually in order to expand existing competences and pass on knowledge.

We particularly recognise the added value of collaborations that open up teaching to all interested parties and offer added value to our society. Current developments in medicine see a large number of interdisciplinary projects that combine medicine and various areas of our society. The focus of these collaborations is always on humans as the connecting element.

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