Headquarters Direct Line
Tel: +49 7704 9291-0

Fax: +49 7704 9291-600

Central Europe Direct Line
Tel: +49 7704 8008-0

Fax: +49 7704 8008-150

PAJUNK UK Direct Line
Tel: +44 191 264 7333

Fax: +44 191 264 7366

PAJUNK USA Direct Line
Tel: +1 770 493 6832

Fax: +1 678 514 3388


Corporate Behavior

What is corporate behavior? We see PAJUNK as a construct with a personality. This personality has developed over decades and is based on the values, goals and ethical principles that we assign to PAJUNK. The corporate behavior is the reflection of this personality. It reflects the character of PAJUNK and serves as a compass. It also helps externally to present our values, goals and ethical principles as well as the corresponding implications for cooperation to our customers, suppliers and other business partners. As a responsible company, it is important to us that our business partners have a very similar ethical orientation and can therefore respect and support us in our corporate behavior.

Corporate Behavior PAJUNK® GmbH Medizintechnologie

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct addresses the values and principles by which we conduct our business worldwide. They emphasise our commitment to legal compliance, honesty, integrity, social and environmental responsibility as well as mutual trust and respect in all our relationships.

Code of Conduct PAJUNK® GmbH Medizintechnologie